Livros e Apostilas de Astronomia

Astrônomia Amadora ... Página 9

David H Levy Deep Sky Objects: The Best And Brightest from Four Decades of Comet Chasing
Prometheus Books | 2006 | ISBN: 1591023610 | 363 pages | PDF | 81 MB

Veteran comet hunter and eloquent popular astronomy writer David H. Levy takes amateur sky-watchers on a fascinating journey into deep space in this enthusiastic and informative survey of the many far distant yet observable objects in the night sky. Light years beyond our solar system, deep sky objects include such intriguing phenomena as red stars, double and triple stars, mysterious star patterns, globular clusters, nebulae, galaxies, and quasars. Designed to be accessible for even beginners, Levy’s clear, elegant descriptions will guide astronomy buffs in any hemisphere and locale (light-polluted cities as well as dark countryside) to the wonders of our enormous universe.

As the discoverer or codiscoverer of twenty-one comets, including the famous Shoemaker-Levy 9 that crashed into Jupiter in 1994, Levy has devoted many decades of experience to observing the night sky. Over the years he has located about 300 deep sky objects, of which the 111 "best and brightest" are featured in this book. Along with a finder chart, Levy offers a physical description and a discussion of each object’s history and beauty. Proceeding from objects closest to our solar system to those farthest away, Levy gives readers an awe-inspiring glimpse into the structure of the cosmos.

Complete with both color and black-and-white photos, plus many helpful illustrations, Deep Sky Objects is the ideal guide to the wonders of the universe for both experienced and novice star gazers.

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Richard Handy, David B. Moody, Jeremy Perez, Erika Rix, Sol Robbins "Astronomical Sketching"

Springer | 2007-06-12 | ISBN: 0387262407 | 198 pages | DjVu | 3,8 MB

There are two basic methods of recording astronomical images seen through the eyepiece of a telescope. Photography (these days, usually digital imaging with a CCD camera) is one, the other is sketching.

Astronomical sketching and drawing has a long and esteemed history. Many astronomers believe it is still unrivalled for recording and illustrating transient phenomena (such as TLPs) or for taking advantage of the fleeting moments of extreme clarity that result from the turbulent atmosphere through which Earth-based astronomers carry out all their observing.

Unfortunately, astronomical sketching and drawing is seldom taught as such, and is regarded by many amateur astronomers as the province of a talented few. This is not the case – the necessary techniques can be taught, just as portraiture and still-life drawing can be (and is) taught.

This book could become a classic.

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Christian Gentili, "Guide de localisation des astres"

EDP Sciences | 2008 | ISBN: 2759800598 | 285 pages | PDF | 1,2 MB

Cet ouvrage va au-delà d'un simple cours d'astronomie : les lois du mouvement des astres étant universelles, elles s'appliquent aussi bien aux planètes qu'aux satellites artificiels ou sondes spatiales. L'espace dans lequel le lecteur va évoluer et les grandeurs astronomiques fondamentales sont d'abord présentés ; puis d'une façon très didactique, les bases mathématiques et de mécanique newtonienne sont progressivement introduites, permettant d'accéder notamment à la détermination des trajectoires et positions au cours du temps des corps étudiés.

Partant du repère terrestre local, l'auteur définit les coordonnées horaires puis équatoriales et écliptiques. Il est ainsi montré dans le détail comment passer des coordonnées polaires d'un astre à ses coordonnées équatoriales terrestres, ou comment obtenir la latitude et la longitude d'un satellite artificiel. Cet ouvrage est aussi un guide pour la résolution de problèmes de localisation spatiale. Il accorde une large place aux exercices, entièrement résolus, venant compléter chacun des chapitres ; certains de ceux-ci sont même de véritables bureaux d'études.

Les nombreuses figures y sont des aides précieuses à la compréhension. Par ses exemples concrets et ses rappels historiques, il participe également à la culture scientifique. Ce livre s'adresse aux élèves des classes préparatoires scientifiques et Écoles d'ingénieurs, aux étudiants (Licence et Master en physique), ainsi qu'aux ingénieurs et techniciens concernés par le spatial ; il sera enfin utile aux astronomes amateurs ou professionnels, ainsi qu'aux navigateurs.

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Percy Seymour, Hans-Georg. Schmidt, "Astronomie ganz einfach. Bauen und Beobachten. Von der Sonnenuhr zum Spiegelfernrohr"
Kosmos Verlags-GmbH | 1985 | ISBN: 3440055027 | 73 pages | PDF | 2 MB

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Michael E. Bakich, "1,001 Celestial Wonders to See Before You Die: The Best Sky Objects for Star Gazers"
Springer | 2010 | ISBN: 1441917764 | 670 pages | PDF | 15,9 MB

1,001 Celestial Wonders is a guide to the night sky's brightest and most fascinating objects. Each target is accessible to amateur astronomers using medium-sized telescopes from a dark site. In fact, many are so bright they remain visible under moderate light pollution
, as from the outskirts of a city or the suburbs of a town.

The book provides a chronological target list, making it easy to use. No matter what night you choose, this book will show you many of the most memorable objects to observe, whether you are using a small telescope or even binoculars, or an instrument of larger aperture. This is far more than just a list of interesting objects. It is structured so that objects of various observing difficulty are included, which will help readers become better observers, both encouraging beginners and challenging long-time amateur astronomers.

This book is designed to be easy-to-use at the telescope, and observers will appreciate each object's standardized layout and the book's chronological organization. Finally, many amateur astronomers function best when presented with a list! Even the Meade Autostar® controller features a 'best tonight' list (although the list is far less comprehensive and detailed than the catalog provided in this book), a feature that has proved extremely popular. 1,001 Celestial Wonders offers a life-list of objects any observer would be proud to complete.

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Space and Astronomy Experiments Summary:

Facts on File | 2009 | ISBN: 0816078092 | 152 pages | PDF | 3,2 MB

The field of space and astronomy is devoted to the study of the heavenly bodies, their behavior, and characteristics. As the oldest natural science, knowledge ofastronomy has come from some of the world's greatest scientists, including Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton, and Einstein. Astronomy experiments are not only historically important, but they also provide knowledge of basic scientific principles, such as how early thinkers disproved the notion that Earth is the center of the solar system.

Modernastronomy relies on technology that has been invented in the last few decades, and current research includes space travel, satellites, and telescopes that interpret radiation from all parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. "Space andAstronomy Experiments" provides teachers with 20 new and original experiments that help students learn basic scientific principles and important skills.

Presenting experiments from all areas, including physics and geology, the text contains proven classroom experiments that broaden understanding of both science facts and the nature of space and astronomy. Full-color line illustrations, tables, and charts round out this comprehensive resource.

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